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SquidWorld INTRODUCTION Welcome to the portal! Our plan is to provide you (our valued investors) a one stop portal full of latest utilities like Swap with Token staking and LP farming, NFT minting, staking & marketplace. WE ARE HERE TO STAY! The SquidWorld team aims to be one of the best (if not the…


MetaStock is the next generation of P2E Node-mining games. Metastocks is a business management game where players take on the role of the CEO of a company. The game starts when you create a company, and players can build as many companies as they want. Each company (node) pays divided (prize). MetaStocks is a crypto…


Token with Seamless Benefits What is Inddais? Inddais Mining Farms is a world class infrastructure along with a dedicated expert management crew with a wealth of experience in monitoring, heat management, algo steering, maintenance and other critical tasks required to handle high performance mining farms. Inddais has implemented a decentralized crypto vault where we transfer…

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